Total awesomeness! Can't wait to use some of this stuff!
What the Teacher Wants!: Dr. Seuss is on the loose!: "Here is my Dr. Seuss Unit. You'll find ideas for: *Numbers and Operations*Phonemic Awareness*Bulletin Boards*Science Experiment*Writi..."
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Daily 4
We do the Daily 4, Tuesday thru Friday in our classroom. I came across this document on proteacher, modified it to fit the needs in my classroom, and now this long with a Fluency/Comprehension rubric, go home every week. I love it, it provides me with five reading grades a week. It also allows me soem documented proof should parents question why their child's grades are low in reading. Anyway, feel free to use it and modify it to fit the needs in your classroom! Happy Teaching!
Daily 4 Reading Behaviors UPDATED -
Daily 4 Reading Behaviors UPDATED -
Friday, February 4, 2011
Behavior Bingo
This is something I have implemented this year to assist with classroom management. This Behavior Bingo motivates my first grade class to work together as a team. I have the last two passages on the wall below my dry erase board where the students can see it every time we have rug time. They are very aware of it and know what they must do to earn bingo numbers. You can modify the expectations and rewards to better fit your class and grade level.
Behavior BINGO
Behavior BINGO
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I attended a math seminar a few years back where the notion of MENUS were introduced. Menus were a list of activities a class can pick from to work. I took this idea and modified it. I created math menus and literacy menus, each of these menus had 12 to 15 differentiated activities corresponding to my leveled reading groups. I fold each student's menu in such a manner where they can only see the given days activities. They assisted me greatly in managing my 'reading groups' and my problem of what to do with those who finish their math early. The way I set up my math menus, we have our daily math lesson, we do the guided work and then the students work on on the independent work. Once they are done with their assignments, they go to my peanut table grab their math men folder and math menu. Then they go to the assigned location for their activities, (ei: CoS are on the top shelf, PoA are in the top drawer, SS are in the second drawer, GoF are in the bottom drawer). The students know to look for only the activities which are marked on that day's menu, they get the activity from the location, take it to the floor or their desk where they complete the activity and activity sheet. Once done, they raise their hand, I come and check their work, initial their activity on the menu, they turn it in and move on to the next. I currently have 5 sets of math menus, some menus are more challenging than others, but they kids have no idea. All they know is they enjoy working on them. Also, this allows me the time to sit with those who need extra help, while the rest or productively practicing concepts we've already covered in class.
I used to do my literacy menus very much the same. This year, however, I opted to do the Daily 4 which I took from the Daily 5 for our reading, so instead of literacy menus we have our Daily 4 Rotations which work wonderfully.
I am attaching, I hope, a copy of both menus. If you are interested, please let me now and I'd be happy to email you a copy.
math originals-1
I used to do my literacy menus very much the same. This year, however, I opted to do the Daily 4 which I took from the Daily 5 for our reading, so instead of literacy menus we have our Daily 4 Rotations which work wonderfully.
I am attaching, I hope, a copy of both menus. If you are interested, please let me now and I'd be happy to email you a copy.
math originals-1
Fab in First: Word Work
This is outstanding! I am going to add it to one of my Daily 4 work stations! Love it!
Fab in First: Word Work: "Word Work This can be used as part of your word work station or incorporated into your daily or weekly routinesas a challenge...something n..."
Fab in First: Word Work: "Word Work This can be used as part of your word work station or incorporated into your daily or weekly routinesas a challenge...something n..."
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